Sunday, January 09, 2011

ebooks are now on Diesel and Barnes and Noble

My 3 ebooks are now on both the Diesel and Barnes and Noble sites.

Diesel Link,%20Molecat/results/10-Default/1.html

Barnes and Noble Link

They are supposed to be on the Apple, itunes site but there is no way for me to tell of that yet. (That I have worked out)

The Blinddust Collection has now been downloaded from Smashwords 301 times.
In the first 48 hours it was downloaded 150 times and then a week later a total of 301 times.

If anyone would like to write a review of any 3 of the books on any 3 of the sites please email me and I will send a coupon code so you can obtain Eating at me or Rules of the Soul for free.
You'll find my email address on the right hand side of the screen

1 comment:

Robert said...

This eBook teaches you about user experience (UX) and conversion and explains why working on both is very important for your site's SEO. It shows some ...